
Welcome to my blog. The home page will always display the most recent blog post so please use the tabs to navigate your way around. Keep up to date by visiting the 'News' area. The 'Short Stories' area and the ‘Flash Fiction’ area contain everything produced thus far, and comments would be much appreciated! There are 'Book Reviews' for you to peruse as part of my project to diversify my reading list, in which I'd encourage you to leave your own recommendations, with authors welcome to suggest their own works! There's also my 'Blog' (in the truer sense). Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Blog - 08/12/16


Just a quick one to say I'm winding things down a bit.

It's been almost a year and I have had no interest in the Micro Pic Competition, so I'll officially close it for the turn of the year. I'll leave the contest page up in case there's a call for it in the future, but for now if anyone wants to contribute an image for the Social Postcards just look ahead to the schedule which I'll keep updated on the Micro Pic Competition page, follow the instructions, and there's a good chance I'll use your image.

That goes for the blog posts too. As I feared, I'm just not productive enough to justify a round up. I'll go back to posting when I have something significant to talk about, but I'll be keeping up with the Micros and the Social Postcards, and maybe, just maybe, the odd piece of Flash Fiction or a Short Story here and there.

On that note, I'll hit you up with the new short story 'Picture Perfect' on the 20th. Have a good Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hopefully I'll have more to shout about in the near future. 

Thanks for sticking with me. 

Until next time, buh-bye!


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