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Saturday, 15 December 2012

Blog - 15/12/12

Alas, I have failed ye. I haven’t managed to finish the Christmas story in time. I changed my mind about it so often it became unworkable for long periods where I had to get my head together, and I tried to change technique part way in by drafting straight to computer which didn’t pay off as I’d hoped. Also, when I saw that the BBC were doing an adaptation of James Herbert’s ‘The Secret of Crickley Hall’ I became engaged in a battle to start and finish the book in time to catch up with the series which probably didn’t help. I managed to read it all though, enjoyed it too, James Herbert’s horror is good stuff, but in the end what my brother told me of the BBC’s version fell drastically short of my expectations and I never actually watched it. Any hope I had of a last push for completion was then laid to waste by a seasonal stomach bug - I don’t do illness well. Excuses aside at least that means there’s more chance of a story next Christmas! Right?...

Before I go I’d just like to encourage you to have a quick look at: http://www.themilliondollarbookshop.com/

It’s a great and innovative idea to raise money for children’s charities created by the author of the ‘Broken Empire’ series, Mark Lawrence. If I had a book out I’d totally take advantage of it and help some kids in the process! It’s one of things that will only get better with awareness so give it a look-see and possibly tell someone about it too!

Thanks for sticking with me, I know I could and should do a lot more, so if we can keep the Mayans at bay maybe I’ll have a chance to remedy it. Happy Holidays people - stay safe, be good to others, yadayada. Cya in 2013!


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