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Friday, 1 June 2012

Blog - 01/06/12

So this month I’ve been working on the ‘Three Words’ story and I’ll just say, researching the words has left me with a bit of a strange search history. With obscure things like this it’s always a bit difficult to gain the information you want solely with online research, but to be honest, I’m not too sure I want to go so far as to join a cult in undercover mode just to find out the intricate stuff, so I’ve allowed myself room for creative license. That was however, the attitude I had when concocting my original story idea...

That’s been the feature of this piece of writing though, the amount of times I’ve changed direction has been incredible... even for me. Inevitably, now that I’m somewhat settled on an idea, the worst has happened. It’s grown massive, like, just as with the first ever ‘Three Words’ post I’m planning on turning it into at least a novella, though a full novel is a lot more likely. So yeah, sorry, it’s going to be ages before this piece of writing is going to see the light of day. I can tell you however that it’s going to (at this stage of development, haha) be a supernatural crime story, so at least you can get an idea if you’re going to be interested later down the line.

As a result in terms of reading I’m going back to reread the whole of my Phil Rickman collection for inspiration. He’s a fantastic writer. In fact ‘The Wine of Angels’  from his ’Merrily Watkins’ series was the book my mum suggested that kick started my reintroduction to reading after a long absence, and the rest is dust. I have however made a quick trip back to finish Stephen King’s ‘Dark Tower’ series before my Rickman deluge. I’ve only really just got to the point where I’m able to read ANYTHING after my ‘Song of Ice and Fire’ addiction without making a little whining noise and wishing I was back in Westeros.

I made a great start on this story, but now production has slowed somewhat. The line up of summer sport on TV this year is insane. I’m currently glued to the French Open, then there’s Wimbledon, the European Championships, oh yeah and don’t forget that small case of the Olympics. I’ve never really paid much attention to the Olympics in the past, but I’d like to get into them, and what better time to start than when we’re playing host?

Before I leave you I’d like to point you in the direction of a TV show called ‘Breakout Kings’ starring the gorgeous Serinda Swan amongst others. Truly awesome stuff and the second season finale was an absolute belter, which is why the decision to cancel the show is completely beyond me. I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from this show, so do yourself a favour and watch this hidden gem before it fades out of TV conscious forever. Buh-bye!


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