The ‘Mistborn’ series
continues to impress. I’ve started on the third of the trilogy and am truly
captivated. Brandon Sanderson is a very talented writer. It is scary how
similar some of the plot lines follow my own though, I have no doubt I shall be
accused of pilfering at the very least when my own series finally sees the
light of day! I can declare it here as much as I like however, the only way to
really prove I’ve not at least incorporated similar ideas as heavy inspiration
is to actually finish and produce something of my own, we know that’s a way
off! It is inspiring to see such similar things work though, I’m enjoying the
series thoroughly, it’s nice to know my ideas should at least make for good
reading if the time should come!
Merry Christmas
people! I hope it’s a good one and I’ll be back in the New Year. Until then,
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